Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Stop Mexi- Torture NOW !

They were "subject to every type of humiliation, bad treatment, and on occasion, both physical and psychological torture, with some inmates getting injured and some having their ribs broken."

HEADS UP Bloggers ! The SpinMill wants to know why prisoner abuse and torture is happening here according to this report !

US citizens are false imprisoned in Mexi- taken hostage for ransome schemes. Where are the human rights for US citizens imprisoned in Mexico, false arrested, tortured, and kidnapped ??

About a week ago, Santiago Creel (Mexi- Interior Secretary) accused US of denying human rights because the States were not establishing rights for his profiteers... Santiago you're just another Dinero Don.

You need to get out of the USA, and take care of real human rights violations in Mexi-



Attention Everyone: Despite claims in a recent fundraising mailing from Mountain States Legal Foundation, MSLF is NOT representing or associated with Protect Arizona NOW. Anyone who wants to support Protect Arizona NOW's pre- and post-election defense of Prop 200, should send money to:
Protect Arizona NOW
P.O. Box 11000
Glendale, AZ 85318-1000
OR ...
if you require a 501-c(3) organization for donations, please send to:
Washington Legal Foundation


Assaults on border agents rising fast

Officials immediately downplayed that threat as uncorroborated after the internal FBI memo disclosing it was leaked to the press.


Arizona Guard member shot by FBI

"It's not about private property or immigration; that's a lie. It's about racism”.


Man, 23, shot by officer had no weapon, attorney says

"We think an officer panicked and shot somebody when it was unnecessary."


"Taboo" topic is illegal immigration

Vicente Fox and his corrupt Mexican officials repeatedly criticizing US policy and demanding more concessions from the US.

They use the large illegal Mexican population in the US as pretexts for meddling in Americans' business. Sly like a Fox... tells his Mexican nationals living illegally in the US -

"How can they get rid of us? There are too many of us here!"


Violent Criminals Turned Loose

By law, illegal aliens convicted of heinous crimes — rape, murder, child molestation — are to be deported once they've served their jail terms. But lately, thousands of them have simply been let go.


U.S. ambassador to Mexico plans to marry Mexican heiress

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza is engaged to marry one of Mexico's richest women, an embassy official said Sunday.

ViVa FEBRUARY 1st! ViVa !
The Celebrations of the Virgin from Candelaria aka "The Rafting of the Bulls" a legalized sadistic torture promoted by the State of Veracruz. Join the Fun, See how (6) bulls cross the big Papaloapan tied to a raft with just their heads sticking out of the water, having previously been forced to drink a bottle of pure alcohol each. One by one they arrive to the other side of the river where a huge crowd of people wait for them ready to attack the sick and semidrowned animals.

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