Friday, February 11, 2005


Mexi- Drug Cartels, Billionaires & Fox Owe the States NOW

Last year, the cost of supporting illegals in California was $10.5 billion dollars.

BLOGS UP...the taxpayers of the State of Arizona can not afford to support the ravaged illegals escaping the Fox Narco-garchy.
US citizens are under no moral OR legal obligation to support criminals.


Prop. 200 Looses Teeth and Claws

The decision by Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard means voters will not have to show identification at the polls until further changes are made in state laws. Proposition 200 proponents said that Goddard's opinion is extreme and that he is thwarting the will of the people.

BLOGS UP...we the people believe this election in part, is illegal, because it will authorize the State to take tax dollars from property owners, supporting school budgets to benefit aliens in a course of study.

This is in violation of U.S.C. 1184 Section 214.


Bomb precedes visit by king and Mexico's Fox.

Fox may have been a symbolic target because of Mexico's crackdown on fugitive ETA suspects. A Mexican judge approved the extradition of six accused Basque terrorists last

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