Friday, February 18, 2005
Iowa Supreme Court: No Right to Licenses for Illegals
"We conclude that the practice of denying driver's licenses to illegal aliens violates none of the statutory and constitutional provisions raised by the classes," the Supreme Court ruling said.
New Mexi- DVD: cross border & send cash
"This boils down to the same thing: Mexican officials inducing and inviting illegal immigration," said U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz. He said he is preparing a letter informing fellow members of Congress about the Yucatecan guide and will complain to the U.S. State Department.
Arizona AG Goddard Delays voter ID requisite
Arizona can't implement the requirement approved in Proposition 200 and still ensure it is complying with federal voting requirements, Goddard said in a letter to Secretary of State Jan Brewer.
BLOGS...see details on how AG is cute with the Law..according to AZ sources, since the last "selection" over 74% or new registered voters are illegal.
BLOGS...see details on how AG is cute with the Law..according to AZ sources, since the last "selection" over 74% or new registered voters are illegal.