Saturday, February 19, 2005


Mexico holds first public trial

...Where confessions are extracted under torture, botched investigations and an excess of bureaucracy feed a deep mistrust of the system.

BLOGS...Mexi- Junk Justice is a way of life, and there is NO chance of democracy showing up soon in this part of the Global community. Currently there are US citizens false arrested, and false imprisoned in Mexico, held as hostage for ransome taking schemes against US friends and families. by the Mexi- corruptos.

4 Tons Weed Found @ Border

The Attorney General's office said investigators aided by drug-sniffing dogs had found 4.8 tons of marijuana

Mexico suspends permit for U.S. research ship

Controversial sound-wave experiments in the Gulf, and ship runs aground on a coral reef causing damage.

U.S & Central America Vs. Gangs

Growing intelligence suggesting al-Qaida may enter by US- Mexican border

El Fox signs for gentically modified food

On Tuesday, despite protests held outside Congress, the Mexican Senate approved the system for evaluating the safety of genetically modified organisms economy will certainly contribute to the good, the bad, and the ugly of whatever is Global, including dieseas transmission. Local, regional control is cost-effective, and pragmatic, the local growers certainly knows what grows best for them...

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