Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Stop Mexi- Torture NOW !
They were "subject to every type of humiliation, bad treatment, and on occasion, both physical and psychological torture, with some inmates getting injured and some having their ribs broken."
HEADS UP Bloggers ! The SpinMill wants to know why prisoner abuse and torture is happening here according to this report !
US citizens are false imprisoned in Mexi- taken hostage for ransome schemes. Where are the human rights for US citizens imprisoned in Mexico, false arrested, tortured, and kidnapped ??
About a week ago, Santiago Creel (Mexi- Interior Secretary) accused US of denying human rights because the States were not establishing rights for his profiteers... Santiago you're just another Dinero Don.
You need to get out of the USA, and take care of real human rights violations in Mexi-
HEADS UP Bloggers ! The SpinMill wants to know why prisoner abuse and torture is happening here according to this report !
US citizens are false imprisoned in Mexi- taken hostage for ransome schemes. Where are the human rights for US citizens imprisoned in Mexico, false arrested, tortured, and kidnapped ??
About a week ago, Santiago Creel (Mexi- Interior Secretary) accused US of denying human rights because the States were not establishing rights for his profiteers... Santiago you're just another Dinero Don.
You need to get out of the USA, and take care of real human rights violations in Mexi-