Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Border Security?
How can the U.S. protect its borders if the funding isn't there?
CNN's Bill Tucker reports (February 8).
Click video link here: Border Security? (1:36)
CNN's Bill Tucker reports (February 8).
Click video link here: Border Security? (1:36)
Arizona Gov demands reimbursement for immigrant criminals
Gov. Janet Napolitano said Tuesday she has billed the federal government for nearly $118 million in unreimbursed costs for imprisoning criminal illegal immigrants.
St. Paul police officer pleads guilty in gun case
A city police officer pleaded guilty to a felony Tuesday for loaning his service pistol to a Hmong cousin who allegedly used it in a drive-by shooting.
Woman beaten found with severed hands in border town
(Click above link for details of this violent crime against a woman.)
Bush proposal to cut drug intel center
The National Drug Intelligence Center is slated to close under President Bush's proposed fiscal 2006 budget, but a veteran congressman who helped bring the center to the city in 1993 said he will fight to keep it open.
Latin gang touches region
''A lot of people don't want to hear this, but our military intervention [in Central America] spawned a gang,'' said Tom Hayden, a liberal activist and former California state senator who penned the book Street Wars: Gangs and the Future of Violence.
Human rights monitors such as Hayden and the Washington, D.C.-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs have criticized the gang crackdown as heavy handed.
Human rights monitors such as Hayden and the Washington, D.C.-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs have criticized the gang crackdown as heavy handed.
Immigration tied to Social Security Scams
For three decades the U.S. has been drawing its immigrants from Third World countries where an office in government is understood by all as a license to collect bribes.
BLOGS>>>This 12/02 report brillantly explains whats going on today with the US govt. and the illegal invasion..please inhale this one.
BLOGS>>>This 12/02 report brillantly explains whats going on today with the US govt. and the illegal invasion..please inhale this one.
President Ronald Reagan 1984 Prophecy
"The simple truth is that we've lost control of our own borders"
BLOGS...let's take a flash-back moment, click above link, scroll to Immigration Legislation
How Arizona Compares: Real Numbers and Hot Topics
Arizona does not lead the nation in a positive way
overall in any of the 10 public policy areas which are crime and punishment, health and health care, education, business futures, families and incomes, government, arts and culture, housing, transportation, or environment.
overall in any of the 10 public policy areas which are crime and punishment, health and health care, education, business futures, families and incomes, government, arts and culture, housing, transportation, or environment.
arrest seven suspected drug smugglers in southern Mexico
Captured Lucrecia Cruz Martinez,…believe(d) is the leader of a well-organized gang of narcotics smugglers and dealers that operate throughout Chiapas and elsewhere in southern Mexico.
FOX: lauded by U.S. officials
Since Fox took office in 2000, his administration has been lauded by U.S. officials for taking action against the powerful and ruthless drug-smuggling syndicates.
BLOGS UP...existing data on illegal drug flow from Mexi last year was bumper crop high.. any comments on this ?
BLOGS UP...existing data on illegal drug flow from Mexi last year was bumper crop high.. any comments on this ?
Mexi- absentee voting from U.S. NEXT
Fox's bill, and the PRI bill, both would give migrants the right to vote outside Mexico's borders, they're not the same.
Fox's bill would make it a crime for Mexican parties or candidates to campaign or advertise in the United States.
The PRI bill, campaigning and advertising in the United States would be allowed.
BLOGS UP...according to election workers absentee ballots are notorious for tilting election results...so will the Mexi-Nationals lease voting machines from Diebold, a very unregulated industry here.
Fox's bill would make it a crime for Mexican parties or candidates to campaign or advertise in the United States.
The PRI bill, campaigning and advertising in the United States would be allowed.
BLOGS UP...according to election workers absentee ballots are notorious for tilting election results...so will the Mexi-Nationals lease voting machines from Diebold, a very unregulated industry here.
Britain Proposes Tighter Immigration Policy
The government proposed tighter immigration controls Monday and said only skilled workers who speak English would be allowed to settle in Britain permanently.
US Couple lives to tell of Abduction
The Kennewick couple were beaten, robbed, stripped naked and assaulted with a machete while vacationing in the tropical paradise last week
Governors Support Illegal Immigration
As their numbers grow, police can't touch them because of "Special Order 40" which gives them immunity from arrest and deportation. Such Governors as Baldacci in Maine and Arizona's Governor Napolitano directly break immigration laws by passing ordinances encouraging more illegal aliens and giving them sanctuary.
BLOGS UP!..Beware of any special election being held for extra funding for public schools. Under U.S.C.1184 Section 14 an alien may not pursue a course of study at public elementary, or publicly funded adult education.
BLOGS UP!..Beware of any special election being held for extra funding for public schools. Under U.S.C.1184 Section 14 an alien may not pursue a course of study at public elementary, or publicly funded adult education.
Caught on Camera Border Patrol Works with Coyotes
(Click above link...for more details)