Sunday, February 13, 2005


Mexican Mayor may seek presidency from jail

Mexico's leading presidential contender called on Friday for a mass campaign to keep foes from jailing him to block a run for the nation's leadership.

He warned he might seek the presidency from behind bars, potentially creating a political and legal dilemma for the country

VIVA OBRADOR ! the will of the Mexican people shall not be stolen by the FOX ! Mayor Obrador is loved by the paisanos, and all of Mexico, now the Fox Cartel is bringing false charges against Mexico's beloved Obrador.

Nothing hateful…

Those who break the law to get here and expect to get all the benefits of citizens and immigrants who came here legally, foster anarchy.

The Illegal Alien Jail Scam

The bottom line: there’s big money for bureaucrats in jailing criminal aliens. By not reporting and deporting them, but instead putting them through revolving-door jails, criminal aliens become a profit center.

BLOGS... profiteering from the public and private sector the US infrastructure ...cracks and crumbles.

Petty Crimes Can Get Immigrants Deported

The Supreme Court this month struck a blow against lengthy detentions, ruling it unconstitutional to indefinitely detain people who have been ordered removed if there is no practical means of deporting them.

In a separate case, however, it ruled that the United States may deport immigrants to countries where there are no functioning governments (like Somalia) to engage in repatriation agreements with the United States.

BLOGS...false arrests and arbitrary detention by the corrupt Mexi police is imposed on US citizens who are set-up by the corrupt agents in Mexico. US-Mexi- have treaties for prisoner exchange, and Mexico does NOT prefer to particiapte or exchange US citizens held as hostage for ransome schemes in Mexico.

Does Drug Cartel Plot to Assassinate...WHO ?

Drug cartels may have access to anti-aircraft missiles, which could be used to assassinate President Vicente Fox, officials said on Saturday. there any doubt about the Drug Cartel's...violence, and infiltration in government both in Mexico and the US ?
Money is a weapon of the Drug Cartel, it bribes and corrupts government officials.


California prison locked down after inmates plot to kill guards

"That's why this is so much like the Mexican Mafia," Perez said. "It's their way of intimidating.
It's their way of acting in a terrorist fashion."

BLOGS UP... if it acts like a Terrorist, and looks like a Terrorist,...dial Homeland Security...DC.

Drug cartels blamed in rash of abductions

The message said 21 U.S. citizens had been kidnapped or disappeared between August and December, with nine later released, two found dead and 10 still missing. It also mentioned the "alarming rate" of kidnappings across Mexico, including "express" abductions for quick-cash ransoms.

BLOGS UP...according to sources, the corrupt Mexi- police are false arresting US citizens, for arbitrary detention. It is part of hostage taking scheme for ransome against US citizens.

"The Face of Mexico's Narco-Spy Scandal

Mexican prosecutors say Acosta was also doing favors for organized crime.

BLOGS UP...this report sounds similar to the Horatio Alger who was put in charge of the US Office of AG, by the majority vote of the US Senate.

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